What would it be like if you walked up to God's door on Halloween?
What would it be like if you walked up to God's door any day of the week?
What would it be like if you walked up to God's door on Halloween?
Labels: Chuck Knows Church , God , God's promises , grace , hospitality , kindness , welcome
Have you wondered what "baptism" means or its significance in the Christian Church? The word "baptize" comes from the Greek word baptisma, meaning to wash or to plunge into water. In the Christian Church, baptism represents entering the Christian community, sometimes referred to as The Body of Christ.
Hear Chuck explain more about it ...
Labels: baptism , baptize , Christianity , Chuck Knows Church , sacrements , UMC , United Methodist Church
We have reached the last installment of My Spritual Journey, at last! Last time, I mentioned that I moved to the Holy City, Charleston, SC. What intrigued me about the place as much as anything was how full of history it was. I mean, Charleston was one of the very early European settlements in North America (ca. 1670) when it was known as Charles Towne.
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Interior of St Michaels |
Labels: Christianity , Church , faith , Religion , Spirituality
When we last saw our heroine, she had heard enough from those secular-humanist folks that said that all religion and spirituality was hooey. It made life seem so pointless. If they were right, we might as well be living in a computer simulation. She came to the conclusion that they didn't know what they what they were talking about ... any more than anyone else, so she decided to go and investigate it for herself.
Labels: Christianity , Church , faith , Religion , Spirituality
There was a long time that I didn't think I could ever consent to be a Christian. This is Part 2 of my spiritual journey from agnostic to Christian.
I don’t know about these days because I've been out of the school system too long. But in my time, if one already had a tendency to be skeptical, school would encourage that. The only exception to that was the teacher him or herself. They were the dispensers of “truth.” If you didn't believe or questioned them, your grades would reflect that. In other words, I was trained to trust my teachers but not anyone else.
Really, that’s fine with math. Math questions are either right or they’re wrong. It works for spelling and vocabulary tests too because the teachers are picking the words. (I doubt that “irregardless” would appear on a test.) The problem came up with subjects that required interpretation and analysis.
History class probably made the most profound impact when I learned about all the evils done in the name of Christianity. Crusades, inquisitions, the wars associated with the Reformation, colonial exploitation, and the list goes on and on. (And believe me; I haven’t forgotten any of those things.) What I wasn't given is context. I was told who did what to whom, but I wasn't told the reason why.
In actuality, the lesson in most of those actions was the corruptible influence of great power. (The lesson of absolute power corrupts absolutely wasn't introduced until Napoleon, but that’s another story.) However, the lesson that I learned was that Christian Church regardless of manifestation or denomination was evil. Individual Christians might be all right, but the Church was a horrible entity. And don’t even get me started on the science and religion debate. If evolution (among other things) was not compatible with Christian beliefs, you could count me out.
My time outside of the classroom was not terribly encouraging for the church either. The town that I lived in was predominantly Irish and Italian, and there was a large Roman Catholic presence. Even though my best friends were among them, I felt excluded from significant parts of their lives. (I now realize that their priests would be appalled that they didn't ever invite me to participate.)
Moreover, teenagers are cruel, regardless of their religious affiliation or lack thereof. I felt the hypocrisy of the Church paraded before me on a daily basis by teens who talked about going to confession on Saturday then were hateful to everyone the rest of the week. There’s no way that I wanted to be a part of that.
[Just as a side note: This isn't a hit exclusively against Catholics. Just last week, I read a story of almost the exact same treatment of a nice Catholic girl who had moved to a predominantly Protestant town.]
So, I graduated high school happy, downright thrilled that I was able to escape what I thought was my small narrow-minded hypocritical Up-State New York town.
I tried to live my life by the world’s rules, as I understood them, which actually meant the way that I saw in movies and tv. Work to achieve academic and professional success. Get money. Buy things. Have relationships with whomever you want, the more the better. Live today, for tomorrow you die.
My life made sense of a sort. Everything was logical and lived up to my cynical expectations, but something was missing. I was very unhappy. I felt empty inside. I came to the point of “there has to be more to life than this.” As a matter of fact, I felt like I had been tricked. I followed all the rules. Why wasn't I blissful? I went in search of what was missing. I started my spiritual quest, and it went all over the map.
What questions do you have about faith, religion, or spirituality? What roadblocks have you come across that keep you from moving forward, while you're not ready to give up?
Until next time ...
(This is an updated version of a post, which appeared on my personal blog on February 16, 2012.)
Labels: Christianity , Church , faith , Religion , Spirituality
As long as I can remember, I was searching. At first, I was searching with my dad as we visited church after church. I went to school, and I began to "believe" in science. It was not enough. In college, I studied different religions, but I still came up blank. But finally, I found a place where I was accepted as I was. I found people who weren't insulted by or afraid of my questions. I found a God who was big enough not to make me check my intellect at the door, a place where I could be me.
... I was lost, but now I'm found.This is the first in a four part series that follows my journey from agnostic to Christian.
Was blind, but now I see...
(Amazing Grace)
Labels: Christianity , Church , faith , Religion , Spirituality
Lots of religions have a god. Some have several gods or even many. In the United States, most people say they believe in God (88%).* What's the big deal about Jesus?
I remember when I was young(er) thinking that Jesus was a pretty nice guy. He helped the sick (Mt 9:20-31). He fed them (Mt 14:15-21). He took care of his friends (Luke 8:22-25). He talked about loving God others (Mt 22:35-40). But, Jesus as God? Really? How does that even work?!
When we look at the Bible, especially the New Testament, we see two things. Jesus recognized as the Messiah & The Son of God (or Man). The Messiah, or Savior, was the person that the Jewish people thought God would send to save them from oppression.
At the time, the Romans were in charge. The Jews were expecting that the Messiah would no only save them from the Romans be all other oppressors in the future.
Jesus is also referred to as "The Son of God" and "The Son of Man." Both of these titles could be used to describe the Messiah. It also indicated someone with a special connection with God.
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Christ the Pantocrator at Mt Sinai |
Labels: Christianity , discipleship , God , Jesus
This is one area where I think that the Christian Church messes up so often. If others are supposed to know Christians by their love, what are they supposed to think when we're insulting each other (and worse)?
Labels: Christianity , discipleship , encouragement , hope , hospitality , hypocrisy , kindness , love
Labels: Chuck Knows Church , jargon , UMC , United Methodist Church
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