Following is a sermon that I delivered on May 13, 2012 at Pocatello First United Methodist Church.
John 15:9-17
How many of you read the newspaper today? Watched the morning news? Looked at headlines online? It seems that we are inundated with bad news. The world looks hopeless. Every day there is a new crisis. A new reason to panic.
Was it always like this? Is there really more bad news than there used to be, or are we victims of a 24 news cycle, where everything is an emergency … but it will wait until the top of the hour or until after “a few words from our sponsor.”
If there is good news, it usually gets tagged onto the end, almost as an afterthought. And yet, there are terrible things that are going on in our world every day: Financial markets just reported a 2b dollar loss at J.P. Morgan. Who can tell what will happen in Greece? Or Spain? But that’s only money right? What about war? There are new reports of increasing violence in the Middle East. Unfortunately, there’s nothing surprising about that. But, just a few weeks ago, there was a rocket test in North Korea. The good news is that it was unsuccessful, but does anyone think that they’re quitting?
But Wait, There's More ...
The Pharisees
4 hours ago